Parents Information Sheet
• DO complete, sign and submit the registration form below with all information requested. Discuss any concerns with Children's Coordinator. Specify allergies, special information, etc.
• DO label all personal belongings of your child, including diaper bag, bottles, 'sippy' cups, etc.
• DO sign in your child on the "Sign In Registry" form each time you leave your child in our care. Designate alongside your child's name any special instructions. For infants, designate approximate feeding and nap times.
• DO bring the supplies needed, e.g., bottled milk or formula, a change of clothes, diapers, pull-ups, small plastic bag for soiled clothes, etc.
• DO pick up your child immediately after service or activity.*
• DON'T drop off your child any earlier than 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of Church service or activity; pick up your child immediately after the service or activity.
• *DON'T send a sibling or anyone other than the signatory to pick up your child.
• DON'T bring a sick child or any personal toys or food from home (unless child is on special diet).
• DON'T check on your child during the service unless you can do this without your child seeing you, as it often disturbs an otherwise content child to see their parent at the door. You will be notified if your child becomes ill or too unhappy.
THANK YOU for allowing us to care for your child. "Lo, Children are an heritage from the Lord. Ps 127:3"